Wednesday, January 13, 2010

February Fiber Guild Meeting

During the last meeting we had a lot of discussion about what the fiber guilds goals are. What we are supposed to be doing. After much discussion it was decided that the goals of the Central Delmarva Fiber Guild would be as follows:
1) Promoting awareness of the Fiber Arts
A) Which includes quarterly public demos at such places as libraries, Barnes and nobles , historical reenactments, schools etc,
B) Donations of finished products to charitable organizations.

2) Promoting continued education of the Fiber Arts
A) Which includes classes, demos and sharing of knowledge within all the fiber arts.

3) Promote artists and businesses in the Fiber Arts
A) Including a yearly fiber festival and fiber arts show/contest with diverse categories of fiber arts.

It was also decided that at this time there would be no yearly dues.

Of course there is so much more to work out but we are off to a good start for 2010.

The next scheduled meeting for The Central-Delmarva Fiber Guild will be at Upper Room Studio on February 9th at 7pm for a demo of triangular weaving. Demo will show how to start as well as how to finish a project on the loom. Come join the fun!
There will also be a business meeting to decide the duties of the officers, elect officers for this year, and decide upon the status of the fiber guild whether it should be an independent nonprofit organization or if we should stay under the Purnell Museum. We still need all the input and help we can get so please, come and let us know what you think!