Friday, August 22, 2008

Yet Another FiberFest Update

FiberFest (October 11, Sturgis Park, Snow Hill) fans will be glad to know that there are a few additions to the festival line-up: Handmade by Rita will be there with hand-crafted wearables, Woolart will have handmade buttons, handspun and hand-dyed yarns, accessories, dolls and toys, Liberto's Art will have traditonal floorcloths, and hand-crafted all natural soaps, Katie Armstrong will be selling hand-bound fabric-covered journals, and Sharon's Natural Gardens will have hand-woven willow baskets, along with jams and herbal products.

If that doesn't get you excited about FiberFest, here is a pic (Alex hugs an alpaca from LuckyGirlZ Alpaca of Salisbury at FiberFest 07)

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